syukur selayaknya senantiasa tercurah kehadirat Tuhan,Penguasa Alam
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Pembaca setia saya,sahabat blogger saya....
sebuah rasa yang tak dapat saya rangakaian dalam aksara menyimak animo
nge-blog yang telah memberikan pelajaran banyak dan berharga pada
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Pembaca setia saya,sahabat blogger saya...
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kesempatan atau peluang baru.Ia adalah karunia agar kita memanfaatkan
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perusahaan asing.
apa yang harus kita jalani???jawaban berpulang pada pribadi
masing-masing namun menurut saya marilah kita jalani dengan
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menurut saya optimis merupakan doktrin hidup yang mengajarkan kita
untuk meyakini adanya kehidupan yang bagus buat kita(punya harapan)dan
di masa nanti(akhirat).Selain itu optimisme merupakan kecenderunganatin
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bagus dan keyakinan itu kita gunakan untuk aksi yang lebih bagus,guna
meraih hasil yang lebih bagus,baik di duni maupun di akhirat.amien...
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11 healthy Powerpacked breakfast ideas
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it is the first full meal that you eat after a night’s rest. If you skip breakfast, you will find an energy drain that can have a negative impact on the entire day. Breakfast should provide you with protein and carbohydrates so that you can kick start your day the right way; carbohydrates should have a low glycemic index so that the meal takes longer to digest. It is also crucial not have too much sugar at breakfast as it can cause a sugar high the first thing in the morning and will cause you to have a sugar slump after a few hours, increasing your sugar craving. Here are 11 healthy powerpacked breakfast ideas for you:
Mixed whole cereal with milk – a bowl of healthy whole food cereal that you can have with milk, nuts and fruit is the best breakfast you can have. If you avoid processed cereals, you can make you own oatmeal, but don’t forget to add nuts, fruit (fresh and dry) and seeds to make it a complete breakfast.
Smoothie – use a range of mixed seasonal fruits and blend together with milk or yoghurt to have a fast protein packed breakfast.
Egg and toast – either scramble the egg or boil or poach it or have an egg white omelet and have wholewheat toast or a roll or even a wrap with it. Add some fruit and milk (or yoghurt) to make the breakfast a complete and satiating meal.
Toasted sandwich – make a toasted or grilled sandwich with low fat cottage cheese and tomatoes, along with a bowl of fruit and vegetable salad.
Tortilla – have this with low fat cheese and some beans, lightly grilled till the cheese melts. You can also add some sliced tomatoes, peppers and sweet corn to this.
Wholewheat muffin – you can have this with a bread spread or peanut butter and add some fruit for more nutrition.
Bagel – low fat cream cheese and some salad makes this a healthy breakfast option.
Leftovers – if you have leftovers in the form of cooked chicken, fish or meat, you can enjoy it with your morning whole grain toast or in a sandwich. Add some greens for crunch, vitamins and fiber and have some fruit as well.
Pancakes – make your pancakes with whole grain flour and enjoy with loads of fruit.
Wholegrain waffles – toast waffles and have with lots of fruit for an easy to make breakfast.
Pita – toast the pita and have with hummus and raw vegetables. Or cover with low-fat cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and peppers and broil till cheese has melted to have a kind of pizza.
You can come up with your own ideas for a healthy and powerpacked breakfast, making sure that you get the nutrition that you need in the morning. The meal should have sufficient satiety value to carry you till lunch. If you eat well in the morning, you be able to have a productive morning, without having to reach for donuts and coffee!
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waduh agak telat nih.. :D
gapapa lah,, meski udh lewat harus tetep tunjukin semangat baru.. :)