Greeting for you all,yesterday and today very busy so i,m late for posting and blogwalking,forgive me Friend.
And maybe for next week will busy again 'cause I'M PREPARING GO TO SHANGHAI LIVE EDUCATION this my second examination.
Just shared about software and hardware for you all.
What its sofware?
Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices.)
Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part. Software is often divided into applicationsoftware (programs that do work users are directly interested in) and syste, software (which includes operating systems and any program that supports application software). The term middleware is sometimes used to describe programming that mediates between application and system software or between two different kinds of application software (for example, sending a remote work request from an application in a computer that has one kind of operating system to an application in a computer with a different operating system).
An additional and difficult-to-classify category of software is the utility, which is a small useful program with limited capability. Some utilities come with operating systems. Like applications, utilities tend to be separately installable and capable of being used independently from the rest of the operating system.
What its hardware?
In information technology, hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices. The term arose as a way to distinguish the "box" and the electronic circuitry and components of a computer from the program you put in it to make it do things. The program came to be known as the software.
Hardware implies permanence and invariability. Software or programming can easily be varied. You can put an entirely new program in the hardware and make it create an entirely new experience for the user. You can, however, change the modular configurations that most computers come with by adding new adapters or cards that extend the computer's capabilities.
Ok about software and hardware i think is complicated and there is GOOD AWARD in NEW YEARS from my blogger friends mas ASTHO SOFTWARE ESEAY.Anda about this award(image like on above) i huge very thank you and hope we are can be great and good to posting give something learning in blogging hehehe.
Jheeeeeee pertamaxxxx .... Kalo dicermati antara hadware dan software harus sejalan dan seimbang, karena klo yang satu lebih modern sedangkan yang lain udah kuno, jadinya gak kompak. Klo sudah kompak tinggal pemicunya aja yaitu manusia sebagai pengguna
postingane masih acak acakan seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hi.. long time no visit this blog. This blog new face
informasi yang menarik.. walaupun postingnya kurang pas.. jadi ingat pelajaran waktu dulu
wah bahasanya tingkat tinggi ni.. saya belum bisa mengartikannya :D:D soal masih belum jago inggris.. maju terus mbak..
@q-bonksiip pertahankan pertama kalau gitu mas hehehe
@Anonymousblog belajar masih tahap perbaikan makanya acak acakan apa memang anda tidak bisa menerjemahkan yach xixixix makasih
@FAISAL HILMIiya mas masih perbaikan nich hehehe maaf saya telat ya
@sidudutmemang kuarng pas karena saya juga lagi eror hehehe makasih ya
@GudangBlogehm lagi eror jadi pakai bahasa inggris mas Gud makasih ya
Saya juga masih belajar... jadi ada beberapa yng nggak saya mengerti... nggak papa ya?
award yang cukup baik dari saudara astho ^_^.....cukup..cukup bermaksud...
@Fahrizaliya mas kita sama sama belajar
aku mau bilang apa ya mbak??? ehm...nice posting aja deh...qiqiqiq kagak ngerti soalnya
GA GA GA.. hehe
selamat ya yang mau ke shanghai, ditunggu ceritanya :)
wach,banyak yang gak ngert ya..
sama kaya saya ..
hhe hhe..
but thx 4 mbak atas penjelasanya...
@aryadevi sudut kelasiya mas arya makasih yach
@Mo3noga ga apa mas kok gitu se hehehe makasih ya
@Mr. BAbaik mas tunggu aja dan setia koemng di sini yach,makasih
@sibutizhehehe sekalian belajar gitu lhoh
thanks alot for software and hardware, its a beautiful posting...
Wah sederhana namun langsung tepat sasarannya ya
informasi yang menarik. matur tengkyu mbak
selamat mb' dhana atas award yg d dapat semoga menambah semngat u/ terus bisa berbagi
Selamat aja buat Dhana atas perolehan awardnya.
I was just browsing for accordant blog posts for my activity analysis and I happened to blunder aloft yours Acknowledgment for the accomplished information
great share!
Computer hardware is any physical device that you are able to touch and computer software is a collection of commands and code installed into the computer. We will be cannot touched. A computer system is made up from hardware and software.
Hardware is the physical medium, for example:
circuit boards
A piece of software is a computer program, for example:
an operating system
an editor
a compiler
a Fortran 90 program
saya suka dengan award nya gan asik asik
mantap bangett dah gan awardnya
hebattttt dapet award lagi,,
keren ya award nya gan
wow jadi pengen deh
mantaaap ya gan :D hehehe aku suka gan
pengen deh dapat award
ok juga ya award nya gan ahihihihi
award nya kren juga hehehe
memang kuarng pas karena saya juga lagi eror
luar biasa ,,,
mau award y ....
kapan saya dapat award ............
It is my belief no man ever understands quite his own artful dodges to escape from the grim shadow of self-knowledge.
Terimakasih artikelnya sangat membantu, sukses terus gan ^_^
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